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Madre Mijo

"Madre, Mijo"
110cm x 95cm
Cardboard, spray paint and nails on cardboard

The Black Series
A ongoing Series that is the dimensional materialization of his paintings, these pieces explore personal issues of violence, pain and trauma as well as the horrors of war with paper sculpture that is reminiscent of explosions and implosions, yet also floral in form. Textural and tactile, each piece is organically created and hand applied with a variety of paper elements as well as nails. 

Black Disease from a Tangerine

"Black Disease from a Tangerine"
115cm x 75cm
Paper, nails and spray paint on board

I Cant See

"I Can't See"
53cm x 46cm
Paper, nails, spray paint and watercolor on board


160cm x 90cm
Paper, nails, spray paint and watercolor on board

You Lack Hue.jpeg

"You Lack Hue"
53cm x 46cm
Paper, nails, spray paint and watercolor on board

Nobody Knows

"Nobody Knows"
55cm x 45cm
Paper, nails, spray paint and watercolor on board

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